The Postgraduate Program in Metaphysics of the University of Brasilia and the Department of Philosophy of the Federal University of Amazonas in Manaus have established an agreement to offer a Master's degree in Metaphysics within the MINTER Programme. The Master's Degree was approved by CAPES in June 2020.


The main objective of the cooperative master's degree in Metaphysics is the consolidation of a partnership between UnB and UFAM with the aim of training staff and strengthening the teaching staff of the philosophy department of UFAM, through the realization in cooperation of a Graduate Course in Philosophy, specialised in the production of knowledge and training of researchers qualified for teaching in higher education, qualified to meet the current demands of integration of knowledge and with capacity for international insertion. In addition, the course aims to offer a plural space for the formation and exchange of academic and scientific knowledge in metaphysics, stimulating the exercise of reflection and interdisciplinary attitude, the exchange and transfer of knowledge with institutions in various regions, with society and with the national and international philosophical community. Finally, the Course aims to strengthen and consolidate the research groups already existing in both institutions and to stimulate the creation of networks of academic cooperation, whose scientific and technological production represents the necessary and pertinent response to the academic and social demands of both regions involved.


The cooperative master's course aims at the post-graduate education of researchers and professors, whether they come from the area of philosophy and wish to expand their research by integration with other disciplinary fields, or from related areas conducted to metaphysics for their study interests. It is hoped that graduates will be able to propose individual research pathways and practice teaching in higher education, as well as to show capacity to lead groups and research centres in the institutions with which they collaborate or will collaborate.


Call for Admission: please, follow procedures here. See also this document.